Friday, April 29, 2005

You probably need to do this, unless you're Carrie

Yes, I promise, I will get back to knitting and cooking soon. In fact, I have a couple of great recipes on deck for the weekend and I'm off to get another set of size 8 DPN's to start work on my Color on Color scarf scraps project this afternoon.
In the mean time...
Since we've known we would be moving out of our current home for over a year now, I've gradually been cleaning out, purging and organizing in anticipation of what I hope will be a "minimalist moving day", meaning I intend to get rid of nearly everything that we don't use regularly and most of our furniture since's it's not in keeping with the style of our new house AT ALL.
Anyway, what started with a search in my kitchen undersink cabinet for the watering can to water a couple of my smaller plants while I was on the phone with Carrie, turned into a much needed purge and organize mission.
Here's what it looked like when the bomb went off and everything came out:

Can you say bad, bad feng shui? It was an energy flow nightmare under there.

and the after:

Not suprisingly, only about half the crap that was under there acutally needed to go back. The rest went into the trash or recycling, and what once was the cleaning product jungle that I dreaded having to face anytime I needed shoe polish or the watering can, is now neat, organized and ready to relocate to a sleek new undersink cabinet when the time comes. YAY!

Maybe this should be the start of a MEME...."everything under the kitchen sink, aka: snap your crap".

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