Thursday, September 21, 2006

At Long Last

The cotton socks...

nevermind that toe, K? I didn't want to keep you waiting on account of my laziness with the those last eight kitchner stitches :)

Have you noticed how I have a habit of finishing knitting projects just in time for them to be out of season?

I know I forgot about you again yesterday, but it's been a busy week and the weather has turned cold and Fallish, causing me to want to cook very unphotogenic (and hence, unbloggable) things like Chili (Wednesday night) and Chicken ala King with biscuits (tonight, and don't tell the carb police). And I've been scurrying around to gather up a fun pile-o-suprises for two of my favorite peeps who are having birthdays in the next few days but there's NO PEEKING! I can reveal, however, that tomorrow night we will celebrate with dinner at Casa Splatgirl for Ms. Knit-Whit and there shall be deliciousness and photos aplenty.

Cool pic!
I sure hope that toe is closed by the time I get there tomorrow or I'll be doing it for you, I'll bring the Chibi.
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