Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Yarn Porn

A quick peek at the view from my chair during my lovely afternoon at Yarn Cafe with Ms. Knit-Whit:

I am still toiling away on the bobbles for the Noni Bobbles Bag. Only 144 left to go...
In case you can't tell, it's boring the crap out of me.

Now...out to walk the PupCake who is veritably bouncing off the walls as a result of us missing out on our regular long morning walk. Apparently a trip in the truck to pick up our dinner of Chinese take-out didn't meet the minimum dog criteria for a satisfactory evening outing.
After that it's onto the couch to check out the first episode of Everest: Beyond the Limit.

P.S. Check out the What's for Dinner Wednesday main dish selection for tomorrow, courtesy of Boy. Slightly strange sounding, yes, but I already think it tastes better than tofu.

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