Friday, February 23, 2007


I'm coming straight from a laptop marathon, where I've finally gotten around to migrating all of my old housebuilding blog posts from the LiveModern site to their new home here on Blogger. Right next door to S.C. :)
This was a project that I started working on quite a while ago, and, feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the task, gave up on. And while I'm happy to now have that saga a little more safe and sound and closer to my blogging home, I haven't decided whether I'll continue to post to it or not being that so much of what would be current "house" content is worthy S. C. material as well.
Anyway, everything is still there on LiveModern, too, but that site has become such a depressing wasteland in recent months that I just couldn't stand the idea of continuing to blog there. Sad, really, because it used to be such a fun and useful place (despite frequently being unbearably slow). Server and format changes seem only to have made it worse, and I finally reached the end of my rope with that.

So, if you've never taken the trip to housebuilding land via my sidebar link before and are at all interested in the play by play of building ones' own house, the one in which Boy and I now live, swoop on over and check it out.

Then, in other news,
Here's the sad little picture of the Chinese New Year's cake from last night:

the verdict? Not good. I don't think I steamed it enough, despite having let it go 15 minutes longer than the recipe said. It was still kind of chalky and weird tasting toward the middle, which I assume was because there was still raw rice flour there. You can see the steamed but unfried piece there in the background. Boy and I agreed it needed to go into the trash. Boo.

I've got a loose rendition of this on the menu for tonight, along with a date at the bookstore for a little periodical stock-up and then we'll settle in for movies and, if I'm a very good girl, popcorn.

Everyone is all up in a bundle because it's supposed to snow a bunch this weekend. Let it, I say, because I've got more fabric deliciousness to stay home and play with:

Have a great weekend!

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