Friday, February 15, 2008

For the Love of Boy Dinner 2008

Sauteed Swordfish with Nicoise Vinagrette:

Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous. (Swordfish is Boy's favorite.) I think this "vinagrette" relish would go great on pretty much anything, including as a salad topping or on toasted baguette slices for bruschetta.

And molten chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream for dessert*

Still as ugly and still as tasty as all the other times I've told you about it. It's just the bomb, and one of Boy's absolute favorite desserts.
Recipe here, including the chocolate sauce which is better if you omit the mint extract.

*this was only first dessert.
Me: "for dessert we have either molten chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream or homemade KitKat or Nestle Crunch blizzards (because these are Boy's favorite flavors and DQ doesn't have either of them anymore).
Boy: OK, yes. I'll have the molten chocolate cake first and the blizzard second.


I tried swordfish for the first time ever a few weeks ago and loved it! Almost like chicken. I'll have to try this recipe because it looks great! I also heart the cake. yum!
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