Friday, August 17, 2012

Oh Boy, Boy

I outed myself on Twitter today with the admission that I am just a wee bit resentful of the ongoing cucumber and zucchini insanity.  Boy is accusing me of being on the verge of stashing pickles in his underwear drawer.  I really need to let the pickle thing be done.
On the bright side, I have discovered the loveliness that is cucumber agua fresca, and am excited that I have both cucumbers--no surprise there--and some weekend free time to partake of such loveliness with the addition of booze.  I'm thinking I'll start with gin, possibly with a dash of elderflower liqueur, and diversify as the mood takes me.

Speaking of Boy, I sent him out to the garden the other day with the instruction:
"Cut me a few sprigs of regular basil and one of Thai basil"

Here is what he came in with:

How and in what world does any of the above make sense, like even sort of?
On the other hand, he fixed our washer for $10 using Google and guessing at what part it needed without having to take it apart first.  So even though I mourn the scalping of a previously still-growing carrot, I celebrate a handy Boy, clean clothes, and one less sprout of pigweed sullying my garden beds.
A girl cannot complain.

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